A Personal Blog

Chloe Alice


The purpose of this website is to raise awareness of and educate people around dyspraxia drawing on my own lived experiences to aid in this. In addition to this, the aim of this website is to raise awareness of neurodiversity more broadly as there is a lot of cross-over with dyspraxia and other forms of neurodiversity. Dyspraxia is one of many neurodivergent conditions and some commonalities among neurodiversity include the underdiagnosis of women and girls. 

What is dyspraxia?

Dyspraxia is a life-long neurological condition which primarily impacts the fine and gross motor coordination of an individual. This includes things such as handwriting, applying make-up, catching a ball, balancing and so much more. It is not only coordination that dyspraxia impacts though, it can impact upon a persons organisational or social skills which can make it hard to make new friends or keep up with peers. 

What is neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is a concept that recognises and respects natural diversity in human brain function and behaviour. It shows there is no single “correct” way of thinking, learning, or behaving. The term emerged in the 1990s as part of a movement to increase acceptance and inclusion, particularly those with neurological or developmental conditions like autism or ADHD. Neurodiversity advocates encourage the use of inclusive language and view differences not as deficits, but as part of the rich tapestry of human diversity. The goal is to foster understanding and acceptance, rather than stigmatisation and marginalisation.

Dyspraxia is the primary theme for this website, however when common issues occur across the umbrella of neurodiversity this will be highlighted. As a dyspraxic woman I am not only dyspraxic, I am neurodivergent – I hope to provide insight on both.

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